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Anti–Smoking PSA posters

Utah Department of Health
Anti–Smoking PSA Posters
This hypothetical project seeks to illustrate the dangers of smoking cigarettes to young, potential smokers. They are intended to be hung together, as a series, in places where youth gather, such as schools. In order to avoid any sort of clinical or authoritative attitude, the posters were designed to communicate with the often rebellious mindset of teenagers. To accomplish this idea, I kept the posters very minimal, creating a very stark design and composition. All imagery is composed of typography, intending to draw in viewers and intice them to read about the dangers of cigarette use.

Poster one reads:
TOBACCO: "About one third of youth smokers with eventually die from a tobacco related disease."

Poster two reads:
ARSENIC: "2-Naphthylamine, 4-Aminobiphenyl, Benzene, Vinyl Chloride, Propylene Oxide, Arsenic,Beryllium, Nickel, and Cadmium-210 are human carcinogens found in tobacco smoke."

Poster three reads:
CANCER: "Each year, about 5 million people around the world die from tobacco products."


Anti–Smoking PSA posters

Anti–Smoking PSA posters

A poster series aimed at communicating the dangers of smoking cigarettes to young, potential smokers.
